Corpus linguistics and digital environments in English. Learner corpora in ELT

Data inizio: 21/03/2024
Data fine: 21/03/2024
Ora: 10.30
Durata totale: 2 ore
Luogo: Laboratorio Antonella Russo
CFU: 1
The seminar is an introduction to the theoretical and practical issues of using corpora in language studies. The methodology of corpus linguistics will be discussed through the description of an academic corpus of L2 learners of English designed to investigate the potential of learner corpus research integrated with EFL and language testing and assessment. The presentation of the case study will give the opportunity to observe a specific kind of corpus, explore the software (Sketch Engine), the tools and the techniques adopted, as well as the steps in the construction of the object of the analysis: a corpus implemented with the aim to analyse learners’ productions in a digital testing environment and to identify linguistic patterns and recurrent features.
Altri allegati
Responsabile scientifico
Studi linguistici