The Pica law and military courts in the war of banditry (1863-1865)
The Pica law and military courts in the war of banditry (1863-1865)

Data inizio: 10/03/2021
Data fine: 10/03/2021
Ora: 11:00
Piattaforma Zoom
ID riunione: 992 7056 2119
Passcode: e7DCv5
Mariamichela Landi discute con Riccardo Piccioni
On August 15th1863 the Italian Parliament issued a special act to eradicate the phenomenon of the brigantaggio in the Southern provinces. The law, which passed into history with the name of "Pica", radically changed the conflict and for the first time established that every people arrested for brigantaggio or complicity had to be regularly judged by a military court. The new rules restored a state of legality in the South, entrusting the power and the legislative instruments to the military establishment who ended all the kinds of illegal statehood and guerrilla warfare.
The military courts instructed a large amount of criminal proceedings for two years, which today form a precious and essential source of study for researchers. The seminar focuses on the firsts researches results, obtained by studying the procedural documents, innovating and updating the debate on the judicial aspect of the war of brigantaggio.
Mariamichela Landi discute con Riccardo Piccioni