Rebel province. Radicals, popular movements and commons in the Calabrias (1820-1848).
Rebel province. Radicals, popular movements and commons in the Calabrias (1820-1848).

Data inizio: 24/02/2021
Data fine: 24/02/2021
Ora: 15:00
Piattaforma Zoom
ID riunione: 951 3350 3926
Passcode: B5uR4t
Antonio Buttiglione
Carmine Pinto
This study deals with the politicization of rural areas in the Calabrian provinces, since the years 1820’s to 1848. In the year of the European revolution the Calabrias were the scene of a radical, social, and tendentially republican revolution, which proclaimed the abolition of the Bourbon monarchy and the sovereignty of the people, and which allowed thousands of men – small owners, priests, professionals, artisans, peasants, laborers – to enter the political scene.
The research shows the formation of a “rural politics”, in which the collective action groups for the commons – lands, forests, pastures and public waters, occupied by private individuals and alienated by the State – formed by the radicals and the populations fought for the democratic autonomy of the municipalities, the collective management of common resources and the republican redefinition of the State, in a European context strongly marked by an “internationalist” sense. A case similar to other European areas, such as the French Midi, the Rheinland and Baden in Germany, peculiar in the Italian panorama, but integrated in the long European Forty-eight.
Alessandro Capone
Andrea Marino
Silvia Sonetti
Giulio Tatasciore