Interruptions and disfluence in the flow of speech: towards the pathology
Interruptions and disfluence in the flow of speech: towards the pathology

Data inizio: 17/11/2020
Data fine: 17/11/2020
Ora: 17:30
Piattaforma Microsoft Teams
Francesca M. Dovetto
Università Federico II di Napoli
In spontaneous speech, disfluences are a pervasive phenomenon: they can constitute a resource available to the speaker as well as the manifestation of a pathology that alters speech and compromises the transmission of information. Although the classification of the different manifestations of disfluences is not without uncertainties and ambiguities, several examples from different pathologies will be discussed.
Maria Voghera
Claudio Iacobini
Lezione 1 CFU

Lezione 1 CFU