How to define manner through Italian spontaneous dialogues
How to define manner through Italian spontaneous dialogues

Data inizio: 24/11/2021
Data fine: 24/10/2021
Ora: 10:30
Piattaforma Zoom
ID riunione: 883 4759 3325
Passcode: 031666
The manner has traditionally been regarded as a semantic primitive that expresses the way in which an action is performed; it has been described as a category that performs a fundamentally descriptive function, encoded through an inventory of lexical or morpho-syntactic elements (such as verbal stems or adverbial phrases). I propose a functional and corpus-driven definition of this notion, applied to spontaneous Italian dialogues taken from the VOLIP corpus. The analysis of Manner constructions in speech data clearly shows that, far from being a static descriptive notion, Manner can be considered as an interactive and gradable category, co-constructed by speakers.
Luisa Corona
Miriam Voghera
Claudio Iacobini