Franco’s band. Civil conflict, criminal strategies, political mobilization in the inland Mezzogiorno (1860-1865)
Franco’s band. Civil conflict, criminal strategies, political mobilization in the inland Mezzogiorno (1860-1865)

Data inizio: 24/03/2021
Data fine: 24/03/2021
Ora: 00:00
Zoom meeting
ID riunione: 997 1297 3275
Passcode: RD20Pc
Alessandro Capone
Andrea Marino
Silvia Sonetti
Giulio Tatasciore

Daniele Palazzo discute con Marco Meriggi
Franco’s band was a small-medium dimensions group that developed its operative action in the area of Lagonegro, trespassing sometimes in the nearby district of Castrovillari. It remained active for about four years and more than 160 crimes were ascribed to it. The seminar aims to analyze, from one side, the modus operandi of the band, by putting the attention on the links between the band’s activity and the internal conflicts in the local bourgeoisie. In fact, the attempts of some factions of local bourgeoisie to use the brigandage as a powerful agent to change existing balance in the municipal fightings were clear.
On the other hand, we will focus on the strategies, their evolution and changing through the time, that the unitarians put forward to face the band’s up to ratifying its destruction. We will focus, not only on the role of the militaries and paramilitaries forces, but also on the extent to which civilians were involved in the fight against the brigantage.