Conjunctions, connectives, functional signals: 'e', 'ma' between text and context
Conjunctions, connectives, functional signals: 'e', 'ma' between text and context

Data inizio: 22/10/2020
Data fine: 22/10/2020
Ora: 11:00
Piattaforma Microsoft Teams
Piera Molinelli
Università di Bergamo
Grammars and dictionaries of Italian present e, ma as conjunctions, coordinative the former and adversative the latter, implicitly indicating the textual plan as primary. Actually, both play an important role also at other levels: the one of discourse and that one of interaction. In the architecture of discourse, their connective value, which can be traced back to the original coordinating and adversative semantic relations, still emerges; on the contrary, at interactional level, speakers use them as functional signals, which activate implicit information, sometimes even distant from the original semantic value.
Maria Voghera
Claudio Iacobini
Lezione 1 CFU

Lezione 1 CFU