Colonialismo rivisitato. Nuove prospettive storiografiche
Colonialismo rivisitato. Nuove prospettive storiografiche

Data inizio: 04/12/2020
Data fine: 04/12/2020
Ora: 17:00
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 7636 9845
Passcode: %fW68&
Responsabile Alessandro Bonvini Traditionally, 19th-century republicanism has been associated with the revolutionary cultures of colonial, national, and imperial liberation. However, republican movements often acted in a colonial way. Driven by a culture deeply imbued with notions of civilizing progress, they assumed the teleological mission of regenerating humanity from political tyranny, religious ignorance, and social oppression, spreading liberal values among backward or retrograde populations. During the 1850s, the governors of the State of Buenos Aires and Mazzinian patriots elaborated colonization’ plans of the southern pampas through the action of agricultural-military legions. The goal was to export the Atlantic modernity to the Argentinian 'desert', in the spirit of Ancient Roman Civilization and in the name of the Risorgimento.

Responsabile Alessandro Bonvini Traditionally, 19th-century republicanism has been associated with the revolutionary cultures of colonial, national, and imperial liberation. However, republican movements often acted in a colonial way. Driven by a culture deeply imbued with notions of civilizing progress, they assumed the teleological mission of regenerating humanity from political tyranny, religious ignorance, and social oppression, spreading liberal values among backward or retrograde populations. During the 1850s, the governors of the State of Buenos Aires and Mazzinian patriots elaborated colonization’ plans of the southern pampas through the action of agricultural-military legions. The goal was to export the Atlantic modernity to the Argentinian 'desert', in the spirit of Ancient Roman Civilization and in the name of the Risorgimento.