6.12.2022, 16:30-Corpora in German linguistics
6.12.2022, 16:30-Corpora in German linguistics

Data inizio: 06/11/2022
Data fine: 06/11/2022
Ora: 16:30-18:30
Cycle of seminars "Theoretical and applied linguistics" / "Text Analysis" seminar series
Abstract Whilst it is now undeniable that new research possibilities have opened up in German linguistics thanks to the use of corpora, it can unfortunately still be said that they are still not fully exploited, if not misused or even omitted altogether. The reasons for this are mainly to be found in the absence of this subject in many university curricula in Italy. The aim of this doctoral seminar is to bring doctoral students closer to this reality, first by introducing the notion of corpora on a theoretical level and making them aware of the various possible types of corpora, then by showing what types of methods and approaches can be used. A selection of resources and tools will then be presented, highlighting their main features. In the practical part, on the other hand, the focus will be on Sketch Engine, showing which corpora and which functionalities can be used according to the research objectives.
Speaker Carolina Flinz University of Milan
Coordinator Beatrice Wilke University of Salerno
- Conference Room, former Dipsum Library, building D3, third floor
- Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
83353633934?pwd= dm1FUGlWNXVrK05vcldDUWg3a3VaUT 09 Meeting ID: 833 5363 3934 Passcode: 958351
-Download the brochure
Abstract Whilst it is now undeniable that new research possibilities have opened up in German linguistics thanks to the use of corpora, it can unfortunately still be said that they are still not fully exploited, if not misused or even omitted altogether. The reasons for this are mainly to be found in the absence of this subject in many university curricula in Italy. The aim of this doctoral seminar is to bring doctoral students closer to this reality, first by introducing the notion of corpora on a theoretical level and making them aware of the various possible types of corpora, then by showing what types of methods and approaches can be used. A selection of resources and tools will then be presented, highlighting their main features. In the practical part, on the other hand, the focus will be on Sketch Engine, showing which corpora and which functionalities can be used according to the research objectives.
Speaker Carolina Flinz University of Milan
Coordinator Beatrice Wilke University of Salerno