29.11.2022, 12:30am-In defense of literary genres, between hybridisms, transgressions, eclecticisms...
29.11.2022, 12:30am-In defense of literary genres, between hybridisms, transgressions, eclecticisms...

Data inizio: 29/11/2022
Data fine: 29/11/2022
Ora: 12:30-14:30
Seminar series "Literary criticism and textual criticism"
Abstract Far from the normative theory of genres, in PostModernity we come across more and more often texts that reject any classification and positioning in a traditional editorial series, etc., but, to meet the expectations of the reader's waiting horizon and establish a meeting point between individual works and the varied universe of literature it is impossible not to resort to the concept of literary genre, reaffirming first of all its 'historicity' and variability in time and space.
Speaker Rosa Maria Grillo University of Salerno
Coordinator Rosa Maria Grillo University of Salerno
- Conference room, building D3, third floor
- On Zoom platform - Enter the meeting in Zoom al link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
87367578364?pwd= S2ZvZ0xHN3NuOFR4eTVabjk0MEVmdz 09 - ID riunione: 873 6757 8364 - Passcode: 799946
-Download the brochure
Abstract Far from the normative theory of genres, in PostModernity we come across more and more often texts that reject any classification and positioning in a traditional editorial series, etc., but, to meet the expectations of the reader's waiting horizon and establish a meeting point between individual works and the varied universe of literature it is impossible not to resort to the concept of literary genre, reaffirming first of all its 'historicity' and variability in time and space.
Speaker Rosa Maria Grillo University of Salerno
Coordinator Rosa Maria Grillo University of Salerno