27.02.2023, 10:30-Between literature and history: tricks and strategies in narration at the service of true history
27.02.2023, 10:30-Between literature and history: tricks and strategies in narration at the service of true history

Data inizio: 27/02/2023
Data fine: 27/02/2023
Ora: 10:30-12:30
Module of lessons "Literature and textual criticism"
In person lesson Conference Room, III floor, Building D3
Abstract «So finally, what will History give us? just events which are, so to speak, known only from the outside». With this observation, Alessandro Manzoni was trying to make a possible theoretical conciliation between invention and reality, literature and history. From that moment, an enigmatic tension between fiction and diction was the subject of intense and critical reflection in these two disciplines, from which emerged intact the storytelling strength of narrative strategies.
Speaker Apollonia Striano University of Naples l'Orientale Coordinator Flora de Giovanni University of Salerno
In person lesson Conference Room, III floor, Building D3
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Abstract «So finally, what will History give us? just events which are, so to speak, known only from the outside». With this observation, Alessandro Manzoni was trying to make a possible theoretical conciliation between invention and reality, literature and history. From that moment, an enigmatic tension between fiction and diction was the subject of intense and critical reflection in these two disciplines, from which emerged intact the storytelling strength of narrative strategies.
Speaker Apollonia Striano University of Naples l'Orientale Coordinator Flora de Giovanni University of Salerno