21.12.2022, 11:00-Historical geography between theoretical developments and applied research perspectives
21.12.2022, 11:00-Historical geography between theoretical developments and applied research perspectives

Data inizio: 21/12/2022
Data fine: 21/12/2022
Ora: 11:00-13:00
Cycle of seminars "Modern and Contemporary History and Historiography" / Seminar cycle "Literature and texts-modern and contemporary history"
Zoom platform - Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 84410898654?pwd= WGcyejRRbjcxZHExeXdWMDJ1M2tiZz 09
Meeting ID: 844 1089 8654
Passcode: 378754
Abstract What can historical geography be useful for? A question that many - geographers and others - have been asking themselves for a long time, looking for its place in the category of scientific disciplines. Between two extremes, between two paradoxes, the discipline has laid its theoretical foundations: from "pastime for young ladies of good family", as defined by Paola Sereno in the 1981 Italian edition of Progress in Human Geography by Alan Baker (1972), to perspective science with a clear design vocation. A long journey aimed at the acquisition of temporal evolution (the diachronic dimension), the awareness of the territory as an active subject, of the local dimension in territorial planning, of the historicization of landscapes, etc. These are the issues that will be treated in the context of the doctoral lecture, in an attempt to probe the process of epistemological renewal of the discipline which, in acquiring the need for a method with integrated scales and sources, will be able to grasp the space-time change and, therefore, , understand the different phases of territorial transformation in a perspective point of view.
Speaker Luisa Spagnoli University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Zoom platform - Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
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Abstract What can historical geography be useful for? A question that many - geographers and others - have been asking themselves for a long time, looking for its place in the category of scientific disciplines. Between two extremes, between two paradoxes, the discipline has laid its theoretical foundations: from "pastime for young ladies of good family", as defined by Paola Sereno in the 1981 Italian edition of Progress in Human Geography by Alan Baker (1972), to perspective science with a clear design vocation. A long journey aimed at the acquisition of temporal evolution (the diachronic dimension), the awareness of the territory as an active subject, of the local dimension in territorial planning, of the historicization of landscapes, etc. These are the issues that will be treated in the context of the doctoral lecture, in an attempt to probe the process of epistemological renewal of the discipline which, in acquiring the need for a method with integrated scales and sources, will be able to grasp the space-time change and, therefore, , understand the different phases of territorial transformation in a perspective point of view.
Speaker Luisa Spagnoli University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
- Silvia Siniscalchi University of Salerno
- Pierluigi De Felice University of Salerno