21.03.2022,16:30, Women, powers and the Inquisition
21.03.2022,16:30, Women, powers and the Inquisition

Data inizio: 21/03/2022
Data fine: 21/03/2022
Ora: 16:30
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Abstract The meeting focuses on the recent volumes by Marina Caffiero and Alessia Lirosi. The analysis of "feminine prophetism", in a time span between the 15th and 19th centuries, represents the first point of discussion and includes the history of revelations, visions, spiritual and thaumaturgical gifts, aimed at the achievement of women's autonomy. The second part of the seminar is instead focused on the relationship between Women and the Inquisition. The discussion intends to place itself in a gender perspective and capture the differences between the sexes in terms of repression, control and judicial process, as well as reflect on how the female quality influenced doctrines, institutions and behaviors.
Coordinator Alfonso Tortora University of Salerno
Abstract The meeting focuses on the recent volumes by Marina Caffiero and Alessia Lirosi. The analysis of "feminine prophetism", in a time span between the 15th and 19th centuries, represents the first point of discussion and includes the history of revelations, visions, spiritual and thaumaturgical gifts, aimed at the achievement of women's autonomy. The second part of the seminar is instead focused on the relationship between Women and the Inquisition. The discussion intends to place itself in a gender perspective and capture the differences between the sexes in terms of repression, control and judicial process, as well as reflect on how the female quality influenced doctrines, institutions and behaviors.
- Vittoria Fiorelli University of Suor Orsola Benincasa
- Marina Caffiero University of Roma La Sapienza
- Alessia Lirosi University of Niccolò Cusano
- Alfonso Tortora University of Salerno
Coordinator Alfonso Tortora University of Salerno