15.12.2022, 10:30am-Testimonial literature between Rio de la Plata and Italy: Primo Levi, Leonardo Sciascia, Ruggero Cappuccio, Marco Bechis
15.12.2022, 10:30am-Testimonial literature between Rio de la Plata and Italy: Primo Levi, Leonardo Sciascia, Ruggero Cappuccio, Marco Bechis

Data inizio: 15/12/2022
Data fine: 15/12/2022
Ora: 10:30-12:30
Seminar series "Literature and textual criticism " / Lecture module "Cultural studies"
Abstract Consecrated in 1970 in Cuba with the creation of the Literatura Testimonial Prize in the Casa de las Américas Prize, testimonial literature, at the intersection of different writings and skills (ego writings, journalism, historiography, ethno-anthropology, humanistic non-fiction, etc.) has always existed, with "peaks" in crucial moments of history – such as the dictatorships of the 70s and 80s in the Rio de la Plata -: an emergency writing against silence and the dominant historiography, which narrates the world starting from one's own ego or inserts one's own experience in a process that involves entire human groups.
Speaker Rosa Maria Grillo University of Salerno
Coordinator Rosa Maria Grillo University of Salerno
- Conference room, building D3, third floor
- On Zoom Platform - Enter the meeting in Zoom
88048923904?pwd= VElRT3A2bTdieTBaWjFNajEzbkZkQT 09 - ID riunione: 880 4892 3904 - Passcode: 829823
-Download the brochure
Abstract Consecrated in 1970 in Cuba with the creation of the Literatura Testimonial Prize in the Casa de las Américas Prize, testimonial literature, at the intersection of different writings and skills (ego writings, journalism, historiography, ethno-anthropology, humanistic non-fiction, etc.) has always existed, with "peaks" in crucial moments of history – such as the dictatorships of the 70s and 80s in the Rio de la Plata -: an emergency writing against silence and the dominant historiography, which narrates the world starting from one's own ego or inserts one's own experience in a process that involves entire human groups.
Speaker Rosa Maria Grillo University of Salerno
Coordinator Rosa Maria Grillo University of Salerno