14/12/21-14:00-‘Men in Arms’: Banditry, Revolution, and Counter-guerrilla (ca.1750s-1915)-3
14/12/21-14:00-‘Men in Arms’: Banditry, Revolution, and Counter-guerrilla (ca.1750s-1915)-3

Data inizio: 14/12/2021
Data fine: 14/12/2021
Ora: 14:00
Zoom Meeting
The struggle for sovereignty characterized the transition from the ancien régime to the modern world. Since the Atlantic Revolutions and up to the First World War, the rise of new empires and nation-states sharpened massive phenomena of insurgency and counterinsurgency. In an era of porous borders and fragile institutions, challenging or defending order engaged not only regular forces and armies, but also a diverse range of “men in arms”. Charismatic figures, organized in private companies or highly mobile irregular units, led actions of banditry, guerrilla warfare, and ethnic-religious revolt, interweaving individual ambitions with more general type claims. Bringing together case studies from Latin America to Central Europe to North Africa, the seminar explores practices and military strategies of irregular warfare in the modern world. Speakers Emiliano Beri Università di Genova Paolo Calcagno Università di Genova Carmen Caligiuri Università di San Marino Antoine-Marie Graziani Université de Corse Pascal-Paoli Arianna Arisi Rota Università di Pavia Angél R. Lombardi Boscán Universidad del Zulia Andrés M. Vicent Fanconi European University Institute Alessandro Bonvini Scuola Superiore Meridionale (Università di Napoli ‘Federico II’) Carmine Pinto Università di Salerno Daniel Macías Fernández Universidad de Cantabria Gregorio Alonso Università di Leeds Fernando Padilla Angulo University of Bristol Dmitar Tasić Univerzita Hradec Králové Spyros Tsoutsoumpis New Europe College, Institute for Advanced Study Martin Valkov Sofijski Universitet Jacopo Lorenzini Università di Macerata Coordinator Alessandro Bonvini Scuola Superiore Meridionale (Università di Napoli ‘Federico II’)
The struggle for sovereignty characterized the transition from the ancien régime to the modern world. Since the Atlantic Revolutions and up to the First World War, the rise of new empires and nation-states sharpened massive phenomena of insurgency and counterinsurgency. In an era of porous borders and fragile institutions, challenging or defending order engaged not only regular forces and armies, but also a diverse range of “men in arms”. Charismatic figures, organized in private companies or highly mobile irregular units, led actions of banditry, guerrilla warfare, and ethnic-religious revolt, interweaving individual ambitions with more general type claims. Bringing together case studies from Latin America to Central Europe to North Africa, the seminar explores practices and military strategies of irregular warfare in the modern world. Speakers Emiliano Beri Università di Genova Paolo Calcagno Università di Genova Carmen Caligiuri Università di San Marino Antoine-Marie Graziani Université de Corse Pascal-Paoli Arianna Arisi Rota Università di Pavia Angél R. Lombardi Boscán Universidad del Zulia Andrés M. Vicent Fanconi European University Institute Alessandro Bonvini Scuola Superiore Meridionale (Università di Napoli ‘Federico II’) Carmine Pinto Università di Salerno Daniel Macías Fernández Universidad de Cantabria Gregorio Alonso Università di Leeds Fernando Padilla Angulo University of Bristol Dmitar Tasić Univerzita Hradec Králové Spyros Tsoutsoumpis New Europe College, Institute for Advanced Study Martin Valkov Sofijski Universitet Jacopo Lorenzini Università di Macerata Coordinator Alessandro Bonvini Scuola Superiore Meridionale (Università di Napoli ‘Federico II’)