14.12.2022, 15:30-Phædra of Racine: a critical balance
14.12.2022, 15:30-Phædra of Racine: a critical balance

Data inizio: 14/12/2022
Data fine: 14/12/2022
Ora: 15:30-17:30
Lesson module “Literature and textual criticism”
Classroom 9, Building D3, first floor
Abstract Through several significant examples of the critical considerations on Racine carried out from the 17th century to the present day, the aim of this seminar is to propose a critical assessment of Phèdre, the author's last Greek-inspired tragedy. Some translations proving particularly important for the Italian reception of the play will also be taken into consideration.
Speaker Vincenzo De Santis Università di Salerno
Coordinator Vincenzo De Santis Università di Salerno
Classroom 9, Building D3, first floor
Abstract Through several significant examples of the critical considerations on Racine carried out from the 17th century to the present day, the aim of this seminar is to propose a critical assessment of Phèdre, the author's last Greek-inspired tragedy. Some translations proving particularly important for the Italian reception of the play will also be taken into consideration.
Speaker Vincenzo De Santis Università di Salerno
Coordinator Vincenzo De Santis Università di Salerno