14.12.2022, 10:30am-Ucraine and Putin
14.12.2022, 10:30am-Ucraine and Putin

Data inizio: 14/12/2022
Data fine: 14/12/2022
Ora: 10:30-12:30
"Modern and Contemporary History" seminar series - ''War, Democracy, Autocracy. Seminars on the 21st Century''
Conference Room, building D3, third floor
Abstract Andrea Graziosi, author of L'Ucraina e Putin (Laterza, 2022), will present his latest work.
Speaker Andrea Graziosi University of Naples "Federico II"
Coordinator Carmine Pinto University of Salerno
Conference Room, building D3, third floor
-Download the brochure
Abstract Andrea Graziosi, author of L'Ucraina e Putin (Laterza, 2022), will present his latest work.
Speaker Andrea Graziosi University of Naples "Federico II"
Coordinator Carmine Pinto University of Salerno