14.11.2022, 10:30-Fidel Castro: the last Catholic King
14.11.2022, 10:30-Fidel Castro: the last Catholic King

Data inizio: 14/11/2022
Data fine: 14/11/2022
Ora: 10:30-12:30
Cycle of seminars "Modern and Contemporary History" / Lecture module "Cultural studies"
'' War, democracy, autocracy. Seminars on the 21st century ''
Classroom 9, building D3, on the 1st floor
Abstract Fidel Castro, in the vision that the scholar and ordinary professor Loris Zanatta returns, is not a Marxist politician: within the totalitarian regime, his is a figure who fights against freedoms and liberalism, but merging spiritual characteristics within himself and thunderstorms. He is a king-pontiff who aims to convert the infidels and to retain the faithful: it is a totalitarianism that makes of itself a religion of politics
Speaker Loris Zanatta University of Bologna
'' War, democracy, autocracy. Seminars on the 21st century ''
Classroom 9, building D3, on the 1st floor
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Abstract Fidel Castro, in the vision that the scholar and ordinary professor Loris Zanatta returns, is not a Marxist politician: within the totalitarian regime, his is a figure who fights against freedoms and liberalism, but merging spiritual characteristics within himself and thunderstorms. He is a king-pontiff who aims to convert the infidels and to retain the faithful: it is a totalitarianism that makes of itself a religion of politics
Speaker Loris Zanatta University of Bologna
- Carmine Pinto University of Salerno
- Camilla Zucchi University of Salerno