10.11.2022, 5:30pm-On preverbation
10.11.2022, 5:30pm-On preverbation

Data inizio: 10/11/2022
Data fine: 10/11/2022
Ora: 17:30-19:30
Seminar series "Theoretical and applied linguistics"
Abstract Here, we will focus on the phenomenon of preverbation, in other words, the development of morphological verbal systems and the nature of preverbs that are elements surfacing as left adjacent to the verb stem to form together a semantic unit. More specifically, we will distinguish two types of preverbs, namely prefixes and adverbial preverbs, presenting their distinct properties (such as compositional meaning, conjoinability, nominalization, vowel deletion, and stress shift) and using data from Modern Greek. We will also discuss the ordering of preverbs, i.e. the order in which preverbs attach to verbal stems, and the phenomenon of multiple preverbation. In addition, I will present a syntactic analysis for the base position of preverbs, and propose that the formation of preverbed verbal complexes is subject to three mechanisms, namely Generalized Head Movement, Merger, and Doubling. The analysis is based on the properties of each type of preverbs and the verbal complex they form, as well as on the presence of other elements in the syntactic derivation, such as the past augment e-.
Speaker Mina Giannoula Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Coordinator Claudio Iacobini University of Salerno
- Classroom 7, building D3, second floor
- On Microsoft Teams platform: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a5abac259f6504107ad603a568426872b%40thread.tacv2/Generale?groupId=7ffce09f-3827-4982-94db-aa001ec81461&tenantId=c30767db-3dda-4dd4-8°4d-097d22cb99d3
Abstract Here, we will focus on the phenomenon of preverbation, in other words, the development of morphological verbal systems and the nature of preverbs that are elements surfacing as left adjacent to the verb stem to form together a semantic unit. More specifically, we will distinguish two types of preverbs, namely prefixes and adverbial preverbs, presenting their distinct properties (such as compositional meaning, conjoinability, nominalization, vowel deletion, and stress shift) and using data from Modern Greek. We will also discuss the ordering of preverbs, i.e. the order in which preverbs attach to verbal stems, and the phenomenon of multiple preverbation. In addition, I will present a syntactic analysis for the base position of preverbs, and propose that the formation of preverbed verbal complexes is subject to three mechanisms, namely Generalized Head Movement, Merger, and Doubling. The analysis is based on the properties of each type of preverbs and the verbal complex they form, as well as on the presence of other elements in the syntactic derivation, such as the past augment e-.
Speaker Mina Giannoula Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Coordinator Claudio Iacobini University of Salerno