28.03.2023, 10:30-Pre/post-test measures of latent constructs in applied humanities: Likert-scale questionnaires and methodological considerations

28.03.2023, 10:30-Pre/post-test measures of latent constructs in applied humanities: Likert-scale questionnaires and methodological considerations
28.03.2023, 10:30-Pre/post-test measures of latent constructs in applied humanities: Likert-scale questionnaires and methodological considerations

Data inizio: 28/03/2023

Ora: 10:30-12:30

Lesson on demand or blended Conference room, 3rd floor, Building D3 Online-Join the meeting on Streaming Authorization: no Authorization to register and publish the video on the Dills YouTube channel: no

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Abstract In the everlasting quarrel between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ sciences, humanities are often labeled as a group of speculative and pseudoscientific disciplines lacking robust and scientific methods. However, applied research in humanities is usually more relevant to everyday life and society, shedding light on many intangible aspects, which are hard to measure in the traditional way. This is why quantitative methods like self-report measures have been developed to combine with qualitative analysis, with the aim of investigating latent, intangible constructs in a more robust and replicable way. This seminar aims to discuss methodological aspects of how to design, use, and analyze Likert-scale questionnaires in applied research to investigate non-measurable constructs.
Speaker Rossella Latorraca University of Salerno
Coordinator Siria Guzzo University of Salerno